The K sound
How the K sound looks and how it is made:
The tongue is pressed into the back roof of the palate or mouth, and as it does so it is releasing and creates a puff of air (the stop quality of the sound- like an accent). The jaw is elevated, and the lips are relaxed. The feeling for this sound comes from the back of the tongue rising up quickly and pressing into the back of the roof of the mouth to created the punctuated sound. This is considered a back sound, where the production occurs in the back of the mouth entirely.
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The G sound
How the G sound looks and how it is made:
The tongue is placed into the roof of the mouth, high and back. It rises up and releases, and as it does so allows a puff of air (the stop quality of the sound –like an accent). The jaw is elevated, and the lips are relaxed. The sound produces a vibration in the vocal cords. The feeling for this sound is that the tongue getting pushed high back into the roof of the mouth, and that the vibration of the vocal cords.
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The Ng sound
How the Ng sound looks and how it is made:
The tongue is placed, mid way all the way back at the roof of the mouth, and the sides are pressed into the upper back molars. The jaw is elevated, and the lips are relaxed. The sound produces a vibration in the vocal cords.
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